Love God - Love People - Serve Both

God has given you unique gifts to build His kingdom, and we want to help you use them!

There’s no better way to get to know people in the church family and grow in our faith, than to volunteer and serve together.   Abundant Life volunteer opportunities help you build relationships while you serve our church community.

Listed below are the many ministry opportunities offered at Abundant Life Church.  Click the plus button to read more about a specific ministry.

If you would like to join one of our ministry teams or if the Lord is leading you into a new ministry, please click on the button below and choose the ministry or ministries that you are interested in serving in.

Contact Garrett Howard at 724-425-9700 if you have more questions.

Audio/Visual Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our purpose is to help make the Sunday and Wednesday experience and other events at ALC a fulfilling and worshipful time.

Volunteers help assist in numerous ways in this ministry.  The different areas of service include; running the sound for praise and worship, operating the computer that displays scripture, etc. on large screens, live stream services and events, operating the camera, operating the computer for livestreamed services, and designing graphics.  If you are computer savvy or have a musical background, give this ministry a try.

Team Leaders
Kim Rhodes
Ed Loukota
Baptism Ministry
Purpose Statement
To help celebrate with people desiring to take the obedient step of demonstrating their faith in Jesus through baptism.

This team encompasses various responsibilities from preparing the baptismal, to assisting people in and out of the baptismal, taking photos, and clean up.  If you like celebrating a Believer’s first steps into Christianity through baptism, then please join this ministry.
Team Leader
Garrett Howard
Building and Grounds Ministry
Purpose Statement
We work hard to keep the Abundant Life Church grounds looking great by taking care of the lawns and keeping our grounds clean.  The ministry members also make small repairs to the worship center.

If you like working with your hands doing small repairs or just getting away and spending time mowing grass, this is a ministry for you.  It involves mowing, trimming, heavy grass trimming, cleaning debris from sidewalks.  We also do small maintenance repairs such as wall repairs, plumbing, electrical etc.

Team Leaders
Ronnie Chapman – Building Maintenance
Gary Provance – Grass Cutting
Card Ministry
Purpose Statement
To reach out and touch the lives of people with Jesus’s love though sending them a card and/or a note letting them know that we love them, and Jesus does too.

This ministry sends cards of encouragement to those in our fellowship who could use a reminder letting them know that we care about them.  This includes get well, encouragement, sympathy, thinking of you, and congratulations on the birth of a baby.  If you like to send cards and would like to join our ministry, contact us.  This ministry works in conjunction with the Visitation Ministry.

Team Leader
Kathleen Mingrino
Cleaning Ministry
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the Cleaning Team ministry is to maintain a clean environment for all church attendees and to allow them to worship in comfort.

The team comes out on their assigned week and ensures the worship center is orderly and organized.  This includes cleaning the bathrooms, classrooms, lobby area, kitchen, dusting, vacuuming, and emptying the trash.  If you like working behind the scenes and making an enormous impact on our overall ministry this is the group for you.

Team Leaders
Drew Hardin
Alex Hardin
Communion Ministry
Purpose Statement
To prepare and serve the elements for Holy Communion in an efficient manner that provides a special time of worship for fellow believers.
This ministry is made up of male believers that prepare and serve communion during designated times during the year.  The duties range from purchasing, preparing, and serving the elements during communion services.  This group is also involved in taking communion to our home bound members.

Team Leader
Paul Karpeal
Fun in the Son (Outcrop) Ministry
Purpose Statement
Touching the lives of a group of area children with love, a smile, and a hug.

This group of volunteers meets at the Outcrop Community Center near Smithfield on the second Monday of the month to teach Bible lessons, sing songs, and share the love of Jesus with grade school age children and their families.

Michele Howard
Funeral Meal Ministry
Purpose Statement
When one of our church members passes away, we provide comfort for the family with a meal following the funeral.

This team works with the office staff and family on providing a meal here at the worship center, by purchasing, setting up, and cleaning up after the funeral.  This is a wonderful way to serve those that are hurting by sharing food, a smile, and a hug.

Team Leaders
Dave & Cindy Works
Wayne & Joan Bowers
Gardening Ministry
Purpose Statement
The purpose of the gardening team is to share the beauty of God’s creation by maintaining our gardens throughout the year.

If you have a passion for flowers, shrubs, plants and have a green thumb we would love to have you on our team.  We maintain all our gardens to keep them beautiful for our members and visitors.  

Team Leaders
Paul Karpeal
Sandy Fields
Greeter Ministry
Purpose Statement
We share the love of Jesus with visitors and members by welcoming them at each door of our worship center with a handshake, smile, and a greeting.

First impressions are worth a thousand words.  If you have the gift of hospitality, love to smile, and greet people, this ministry is for you.  On a rotational basis, you will be assigned to one of the entrances to greet people before and after one of the worship services.

Team Leader
Garrett Howard
Grief Share/Christian Counseling Ministry
People experience grief of many forms.  As Christians it is our responsibility to reach out to people in their time of need.  Grief Share is a ministry based on biblical concepts designed to help people through the grieving process.   Grief Share is offered twice a year in sessions of thirteen weeks each.  Each session includes videos from nationally acclaimed speakers and counselors.  Grief Share is open to the community.  Please tell your friends if you think that they can benefit from this ministry.

One-on-one counseling is available upon request and scheduled by calling the church office at 724-425-9700.

Geri Ternitsky
Angela Leiendecker
Hearts for Service Ministry
Purpose Statement
This is a ministry dedicated to serving our congregation and our community by doing various handyman projects, repairs, yard work and moving things for those who cannot do it themselves.

If you have any carpentry, electrical, or plumbing skills this is the perfect ministry for you.  But all you really need is a heart to serve.

Team Leader
Bruce Detweiler
Information Room Ministry
Purpose Statement
During worship services, this ministry assists anyone with directions within our worship center and answering questions about Abundant Life Church.  Assist in registrations for events, handing out informational material, assist in registering children for Kids Church.

If you have the gift of helping people, this may be the ministry for you.  In this ministry you will assist those with questions concerning Sunday school, small groups, ministries, and the many programs we have to offer.  This is an opportunity to spread the love of God to potential new members that are seeking what is missing in their lives.

Team Leaders
Chuck McClain
Kim Rhodes
Journey to the Cross Ministry
Purpose Statement
The Journey enables you to ignite the life transforming power of Holy Week by viewing and hearing sensory images of the last days of Jesus displayed in various rooms at Abundant Life Church.

This ministry requires setting up, operating, and cleaning up for these events.  This is a fantastic way to help our visitors and members experience and connect with our Savior Jesus Christ.

Team Leader
Kathleen Minigrino
Kitchen Ministry
Purpose Statement
Nothing speaks of hospitality like a nice hot beverage or a cup of juice.

This ministry prepares hot beverages, orange juice, and apple juice on Sunday mornings for each service.  They work together in setting up and cleaning up after each service with their assigned team member.  Meet our visitors and members with a smile and a cup of coffee.

Team Leader
Garrett Howard
Life Group Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our goal is to assist and help our church family grow as a Christian by getting involved in a small group.  Once involved each person can grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus while building lifelong bonds with other fellow believers.

This ministry allows people to study the Bible and biblical concepts in the comfort of a small group.  Each group will use an approved curriculum to enhance the growth of each member.   As a believer it should be our desire to grow and mature as a Christian.  If you are interested in joining a small group or hosting a small group, please contact the church office.

Team Leader
Garrett Howard
Life Kids Nursery Ministry (age 0-3)
Purpose Statement
To provide a safe and loving environment for our visitors’ and church member’s children during worship services.

If you love infants and toddlers ages 0 to 3, please inquire about our team.  We provide complete childcare during each of our Sunday services so that the parents can enjoy a time of worship and learning.  The children learn about Jesus by being taught to share and help one another, have short Bible stories, snacks, songs, and play time.  This is a terrific way to invest in the future of our children and the future of our congregation.  A requirement for this ministry is passing a background check.
Team Leader
Kathleen Mingrino
Life Kids Ministry
Purpose Statement
This ministry exists to provide the love of Jesus and knowledge of God for the preschool and grade school age children during Sunday and Wednesday services.  Age-appropriate, hands-on curriculum is used to teach Bible lessons and a biblical foundation for life.

If you have a love for children and like to see them grow in their love and knowledge of Jesus this is a ministry that will bless your life.  All you must do is have a heart for children and be prepared to be blessed and pass a background check.

Team Leader
Kathleen Mingrino
Meal Ministry
Purpose Statement
Share love through a meal for those in our church family who are experiencing a lengthy illness or who are recovering from surgery.

Nothing says we care and love you like preparing and delivering a hot meal for someone who is unable to prepare one.  This small act of kindness means a lot to a person in need.  If you love to share your cooking skills or purchase a hot meal join us.

Team Leader
It could be you!
Meeter Ministry
Purpose Statement
We want everyone who walks through our doors to feel welcomed and loved.  The “meeters” are to assist visitors by greeting them.

It is our job to make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable from the time that they walk through our doors until they leave.  Greet our visitors and assist them by giving them a Welcome Packet and answering any questions they may have about Abundant Life Church.
Team Leaders
Garrett Howard
Men’s Breakfast Ministry
Purpose Statement
Get the guys and share a great breakfast together.  This is a time to share a meal and a word of encouragement with men of faith.

This ministry gets together once a month on a Saturday morning to prepare, share breakfast, and a short devotion with each other.  If you like to cook eggs and all the fixin’s we are the ministry for you.

Team Leader
Tim Thorpe
Men’s Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our purpose is to equip men to become the man that God intended us to be.

This ministry meets throughout the year to develop strong Christian relationships, through studying God’s Word and through fellowship. The Men’s Ministry’s goal to disciple men according to the Bible and develop the next generation to follow Christ.

Team Leaders
Charlie Kiel
Tim Thorpe
Steven Leiendecker

Men's Retreat Ministry

Purpose Statement
A gathering of men to encourage, grow in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.  To equip each other through this time to be the spiritual leaders that God has called us to be, in our homes and in the workplace.

This ministry meets annually at an offsite retreat to focus on growing together in Christ.  There are many opportunities in serving in this ministry, from leading discussion, prayer, praise and worship music, planning and setting up.  Men it is time to get involved.

Team Leader
Charlie Kiel
Tim Thorpe
Steven Leiendecker
Operation Christmas Child Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our ministry is to touch the lives of children around the world with a special Christmas gift that is put together with love.

This is a seasonal ministry in which we participate each year from mid-October to mid-November.  We would like people to help with collecting shoe boxes and most of all encouraging others to participate.  If you like blessing children, hop on board.

Team Leader
Dave Priest
Outdoor Event Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our ministry is to prepare the church grounds for our church family annual celebrations like the Church Picnic and our Hayride to enhance our church fellowship.

There are many different jobs for you to choose, from setting up, clean up, games, shopping for needed supplies, grilling and of course being in fellowship with our family.
Team Leader
Kathleen Mingrino
Parking Ministry - Easter/Christmas/Picnic
Purpose Statement
During these special events this team of volunteers direct the traffic flow to create a safe environment for drivers and pedestrians alike.

Join us if you like to assist people by directing traffic and sharing that welcoming smile for our visitors and church members.

Team Leader
Gary Provance
Praise & Worship Music Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our goal is to lead the congregation in praise music in preparing their hearts and minds to receive the message at each Sunday and Wednesday service.

This ministry, composed of vocalists and instrumentalists, is responsible for leading the praise and worship music on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  This is a fantastic way to use the musical talents that God has given to you.  To be a part of this ministry team we ask that you audition and that you will be required to attend weekly practice sessions.  This requires a great commitment, but the reward is even greater.

Team Leaders
Kathleen Mingrino
Ed Loukota
Prayer Chain Ministry
Purpose Statement
Reaching out and lifting up those that need prayer.

Prayer is essential in our lives and if you have the gift of praying for others in need, please let us know.  Our prayer requests are submitted through email, online and/or telephone.

Team Leader
Cindy Dawson
Vacation Bible School Ministry
Purpose Statement
Our ministry is to reach out for one week during the summer to the children and adults in our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The entire church family has a chance to work together to plan and create a great atmosphere in which to reach out to our family and friends in a presentation of the gospel and Bible teaching that is presented in a fun setting.  We incorporate the theme with the music, snacks, games, and crafts so that they all reinforce the lessons each evening.  

Volunteers are needed to prepare decorations, decorate, teach all age groups, oversee crafts and recreation, prepare, and serve snacks, teach songs, and do whatever else is required to make Vacation Bible School an exciting way to learn how to be a Christian.  There are many ways for you to use your gifts and talents.  A requirement for this ministry is passing a background check.

Team Leader
Kathleen Mingrino
Visitation Ministry
Purpose Statement                                             
This ministry visits church members who may be living in a nursing home, are homebound, or they may require hospitalization or surgery.

There is always room for more volunteers for this ministry whether it is visiting or through a phone call.  Jesus tells us to comfort one another, visit them, and lift them up in prayer.  The love of a fellow Christian goes a long way in the recovery process.

Team Leader
Your name could be here!
Women’s Ministry
Purpose Statement
This ministry is empowering the women of Abundant Life Church to grow in their walk with Jesus through weekly Bible studies, meetings, and on and off-site retreats.

There are various opportunities for you to serve within this ministry.  This a fast-growing ministry that helps meet the needs of the women of today by mentoring and maturing together through biblical study.

Team Leaders
Kim Rhodes
Wanda O’Brien
Kisty Thorpe
Youth Ministry
Purpose Statement
To disciple our young people in their growth as a Christian by sharing the Gospel and how it relates to their lives.

This ministry meets with our youth on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  This is more than a Bible study; this is about investing time into our youth by spending time with them outside of the typical classroom.  If you love having fun and feeling young again check us out.  A requirement for this ministry is passing a background check.

Team Leaders
Stephen Mingrino
Josh Huntington